Do You Have Gingivitis?

Do You Have Gingivitis?

Are your gums are healthy? This question speaks to the importance of periodontal health. At Dr. Mehr Tucker's office in Rockville, the dental team looks for signs of gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease. Detected early, gingivitis can be reversed. Learn more here.

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an infection of the gum tissue. Also called gum disease, gingivitis stems from food residues at and below the gum line. Oral bacteria flourish in this environment, and when untreated, gingivitis progresses like an avalanche, becoming periodontitis.

Periodontitis is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults in the US, reports the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Symptoms of periodontitis include puffy, red, and tender gums, loose teeth, and deep gum pockets.

Treating gingivitis

In its earliest stages, gingivitis responds well to good brushing and flossing at home and a thorough cleaning at your dentist's office in Rockville. Your hygienist gently scrapes, or scales, your teeth, removing soft plaque and hard tartar, or calculus. In some cases, antibiotics are placed at the gum line.

For more extensive periodontal problems, Dr. Tucker may recommend a deeper cleaning and root planing. As needed, gums and even bone can be grafted to replace degraded tissue.

What should you do?

As with any dental issue, prevention is best. So, brush twice a day with a soft toothbrush for two minutes. Floss daily with the product of your choice to remove sticky plaque and prevent tartar formation.

Additionally, eat a high-fiber, low-carbohydrate diet. Consume plenty of water daily to increase saliva and its beneficial antimicrobial properties. Stop all tobacco, and limit alcohol. See Dr. Tucker every six months for a cleaning and check-up. If you are prone to gum problems, your dental team may schedule more frequent appointments.

Find out more

Arm yourself against gingivitis and its very dangerous cousin, periodontal disease. Keep your best oral hygiene habits, and come see Dr. Mehr Tucker in Rockville for your preventive care. Phone us for an appointment at (301) 963-8900.